Q-Man's Holding Power: Magnetic and Flexible

phone man

Your table is cluttered and your things keep falling. Pencils, easers, keys or even notes that keep flying off the table. Well not to worry. Just hand them over to Q- man and he will hold all that for you.

Q- Man has a very flexible personality for he is made of pliable rubber and all of his limbs have a magnet within. The flexibility of the material and the magnet allows the Q- Man to bend or move freely in various positions to hold on to things, thus aiding you in your firm catch of objects in your hands or to prevent things from falling off your table, time and again.

The Q-Man Flexible Magnet is available in stylish, funky and attractive colours, so one has a variety to choose from. Small, but cute little inventions to add spice to life.

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