Get paid $17000 to stay in bed for 3 months!

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Yet another dream job passes up. Scientists at NASA are paying participants $10 per hour for taking part in their bed rest study, where test subjects must lie in bed for 3 months continuously! The aim of this seemingly bizarre test is to identify and develop new methods to minimize the crippling impact that zero-gravity can cause over time on muscles and bones of the human body. They weaken and atrophy when not used for long periods of time, if they are not used properly. The best way to simulate these effects of zero gravity is to lie down with your head slightly tilted for 90 days. Of course, “essential facilities” are provided – they can shower, surf the net and watch DVD’s without ever leaving their beds. The rehabilitation procedure, which is the crucial phase of the study, lasts another month where NASA tests ways to bring the participants bodies back to normal. These results could help scientists keep astronauts healthy in space on their long trips to neighbouring planets like Mars. Finally, lazing around is not only useful, but it’s a lucrative pastime.

via: Foxnews

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